We all have different personalities, don’t we? Some are fun-loving and adventurous, while a few others are plain bookworms! Some love clubbing on weekends, while others just want a peaceful nap! But there are people who belong to neither category. How? Are you an extremely self-conscious person? Are you constantly frightened of being judged by people? Do you like makeup reasons to not meet someone new or get familiar with? If yes, I am exactly talking about you! You are most likely to be suffering from the “Social anxiety condition”, which is more commonly known as social phobia.

Social phobic can be very frustrating and disturbing to those suffering from it, while on the other hand, it would be interesting for you to know what it is? How is it caused? And how do people deal with it in real life! I get it, even if you don’t suffer from it, you are just as curious to know more about it. So, let’s start with what exactly is SOCIAL ANXIETY and what are its causes and symptoms!

We all have been in situations and places, where we immediately regret getting ourselves into. We start shaking, our hands and feet get sweaty, we fumble and fall short of words, the world crashes down if someone ever asks you to speak in front of a crowd! Many people can easily do all of this, but people with Social Anxiety can’t!

Things that seem normal to a person not suffering from Social phobia, could be a nightmare for someone suffering from it. The biggest hurdle in overcoming it, is TALKING and ASKING FOR HELP! Why? You are phobic to talk to people and express yourself.

Signs and Symptoms: 

  1. Trembling, sweating, going blank in your mind, or suddenly feeling a rapid heart rate
  2. Feelingnauseatic and dizzy 
  3. Intense distress of interacting with strangers
  4. Being extremely self-conscious of even walking through a room full of people
  5. Finding it difficult to even make eye contact and be around unknown people
  6. Feel ashamed and awkward even if someone glances at you
  7. Not being able to eat food with people around
  8. Constantly feeling judged

Major causes:

  1. Genetics- Anxiety illnesses most commonly are passed on from generation to generation. 
  2. Environment- People with 0 histories of social phobia tend to develop it immediately after the occurrence of an unfriendly, hostile, or awkward social circumstance. 
  3. Traumaticharassment - Children, and teenagers being bullied in their social circle are frequent victims of social phobia

How to cope up with Social Anxiety?

Now that you know what Social Anxiety is and how it affects people’s lives, let us understand how do we cope up with it? Or help a near and dear one to get out of it! Honestly, in the fast-paced world that we all live in, it is very difficult to identify someone who’s going through Social Anxiety. Take some time out of your busy lives, and talk to your friends, find out why someone has off lately been so quiet? Why has a dear friend turned anti-social? If you see anyone sitting quietly in a corner approach him/her in a friendly way! Just approach, do not terrify them! Be friendly.

If you yourself, are suffering from Social Phobia, here are some tips and tricks that could work.

  1. Understand and accept that it is natural and you are no victim to it
  2. Accept that anxiety is a circle of your thoughts and fears and not reality
  3. Try communicating with friends and family
  4. Minimize the negative approach and take the first step
  5. Unfeeling restless, immediately refocus yourself on something you like
  6. Set goals for the day and congratulate yourself for accomplishing them
  7. Meditate and keep your brain calm
  8. Stop taking unwanted efforts to be perfect
  9. Eat better and get yourself some sound sleep

I understand, all of this is easy to preach and difficult to practice! But remember, it's only ‘Difficult’ not ‘Impossible’.Comment down below to share your experiences on the same