How to fix Posterior tibial tendonitis (Ankle pain)?

One of the most prevalent foot and ankle problems is posterior tibial tendonitis. It happens when the posterior tibial tendon inflames or tears. If the posterior tibial tendon is injured, it may be unable to provide stability and support for the arch of the foot, resulting in flat feet.

Plantar flexion (pointing the foot downward), inversion (turning the sole of the foot inward), and foot adduction are all assisted by the posterior tibial tendon (bringing the foot toward the midline of the body). It aids and maintains the foot's medial longitudinal arch.

Posterior tibial tendinopathy is widespread in runners, football players, basketball players, tennis, and badminton players, among others. It arises as a result of tendon overuse, strain, or damage.


Pain in the inner side of the foot and ankle. Swelling may be present. Foot muscle weakness.Gait abnormality.Difficulty in walking. Flat feet may present in the late stage. Difficulty in pointing the foot downward.Difficulty in turning sole inward. Posterior tibial tendonitis causes discomfort pain and swelling along the tendon, although the foot may seem entirely normal in the early stages. The arch of the foot begins to droop as the condition worsens. In the latter stages, the foot develops a stiff flatfoot deformity that is difficult to cure. The adjacent ankle is likewise impacted.


The treatment process begins with an examination of the patients and the development of a treatment strategy that changes based on the stage of the tendonitis. Early treatment consists mostly of rest and immobilization in walking boots or a cast to allow the posterior tibial tendon to recover, followed by the use of bespoke insoles and foot orthotics. We also provide Cryotherapy using Ice packs, Cryo-compression devices, and Cryo Air equipment in addition to the rest. Foot strengthening exercises include resisted foot adduction, heel raises, and so on. Knee strengthening exercises include short and long arc quadriceps movements, various types of squatting, various variations of lunges, knee curls, VMO strengthening, and so on. Toe pick-ups- in this activity, you must pick up little things like marbles with your toes and place them in another container. Achilles tendon stretchingBalancing exercises include single-leg balancing, balancing on a Bosu ball, and so on. Techniques for soft tissue mobilization and muscular relaxationExtracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT): This will encourage the repair of the surrounding region and the tendon while also assisting in the reduction of the patient's symptoms.Kinesio taping.