Working is a special part of our lives. We spend almost 8-12 hrs per day in the work place. Work not only provides income, but also fulfils a variety of other needs - mental and physical exercise, social contacts, a feeling of self-worth and competence.
According to reports, 50% employees in India are under stress. 71% people under stress feel they are not productive. Anxiety occurs when we start feeling that we can't cope up with work patterns or with the people working with us.
Factors Influencing Workplace Anxiety:
• The drive for success
• Changing work patterns
• Working conditions
• Overwork/Under-work
• Uncertainty/conflict
• Increased responsibilities
• Relationships at work
How To Manage Workplace Anxiety:
Identify whether you are comfortable and content with your current work pattern: Recognising the problem doesn’t mean you are a weak or incapable person, it will help you to plan and overcome it. Do not allow your past work experiences and emotional memories to affect your current work.
Change your thinking: Re-frame the situation to change the way you look at things. It will help you view things in a different light and in a less stressful way.
Adopt positive thinking - forget powerlessness, dejection, despair, failure. Try to focus on your strengths and seek out the positive.
Alter your behaviour:
- Be assertive - Learn how to say “no” to certain things
- Get organised - Prioritise objectives, duties and activities to make them manageable and achievable. Don’t overload your mind.
- Time management - set achievable goals, make a list, know what must be done, and learn to drop unimportant activities.
- Develop a support network - Talking to friends or colleagues at work helps relieve stress to a great extent. Make sure you have humorous & light-hearted conversations during office hours to stay calm, happy and positive.
- Diversion and Distraction - If the situation is extreme, take some time out. This will help you analyse the situation logically and not emotionally.
- Change your lifestyle - Switch to regular exercise, deep breathing exercises, a healthy diet and adequate sleep.
It is important that we all feel good and be content with whatever work we do. Be aware that we cannot change the people or the organisation rules, but if we are committed and motivated, we can change ourselves to adapt to work environment.