Despite a good skincare routine and several home/DIY remedies, do you still continue to experience breakouts, zits or pimples? Have you given up and are convinced that nothing’s going to work, but given time, the acne will clear on its own? 

You don’t have to wait anymore. With the right information and help, you can get the results you’ve always wanted. 

In this video, Dr. Shikha Shah, a leading dermatologist, answers questions about the causes and treatment of acne in Hindi:

1. Can lifestyle modifications help prevent future breakouts or acne?

2. Is there a connection between diet and acne?

3. Can exercise help reduce hormonal acne?

4. Are antibiotics or high-dose vitamin A supplements helpful in all cases of acne?

5. What are the in-clinic treatment options available for acne and scarring?

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