Here are a few causes of constipation:
- Low intake of water
- Insufficient dietary fiber intake
- Diet deficient in leafy, green vegetables and salads
- Not having enough roughages
- Decreased physical activity
- Diuretics, antidepressants and antihistamines cause constipation
- Heavy intake of dairy products, meats, refined sugar and eggs
- Stress and anxiety
- Problems like hyperglycemia, hypothyroidism and diabetes
- Parkinson’s, fissures and pelvic dysfunction
- Overuse of laxative and suppositories (use to soften stool)
- Travelling, Old age, Stroke, Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy and menstrual periods
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Iron tablets anti-convulsion drug
- Intestinal obstruction
- Poor functioning of thyroid gland§ Lead poisoning
- Long bed rest§ Excessive use of strong tea and coffee.
- Alcoholic beverages
- Overeating and insufficient chewing.
- Narcotic medications
- Colon and rectum problems
- Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
- Dehydration
Complications of constipation
- Hemorrhoids (piles) Fecal impaction-stool harden in large intestine and rectums
- Fecal incontinence
- Rectal prolapse means coming out of rectal tissue from the anus.
- Anal fissures
- Rectal bleeding
- Hernia
Diagnosis of constipation
- General medical inquiry including symptoms and causes
- Tests-Blood, urine and stools
- Test for pelvic floor dysfunction and Irritable bowel syndromes
- Sigmoidoscopy, Rigid proctoscopy and Colonoscopy and X-ray, Abdominal and anal ultrasound
Ayurveda remedy for constipation
- 10-20ml fruit juice twice a day is useful.
- Isabgol (Plantagoovata) with milk take the mix at bedtime with 5 ml ghee.
- Triphala powder is an excellent cleanser and natural colon cleanser.
- Aloe vera juice cleanses the intestine.
- Castor oil in warm milk/warm water is beneficial.