It is very important to set boundaries with our partners since we start being serious with them. Any relationship should have certain boundaries which include do’s and don’t’s which need to be respected. We sometimes feel that boundaries are unnecessary because we assume our partners already are known about our needs and wants , or setting them might ruin the trust which we have for each other.

 A relationship can’t be healthy until both partners communicate their boundaries clearly, and the other person respects them. Healthy boundaries in a relationship don’t come naturally, nor do they come easily. Having boundaries means honoring ourselves as a separate individual with needs and wants that often differ from others. Without healthy boundaries, we allow others to override our own feelings and desires.We may get eaten alive by people who are very clear about what they want! The essence of boundaries is differentiating what we want from what others want from us.  

Here are a few simple ways through which we can easily establish set boundaries and enjoy a long lasting happy relationship.

1. Communicate your thoughts with one another. Be honest, but respectful when sharing your thoughts and feelings with your partner. It’s totally normal and okay to need time to gather your thoughts and feelings, but don’t use that approach to avoid the conversation.·     

2. Never assume or guess your partner’s feelings. Making assumptions can create a lot of misunderstandings in a relationship. You may feel like you know your partner very well that you feel you’re entitled to assume what they want or need without asking them, but it is always your best bet to ask rather than assume.·       

3. Follow through on what you say. Setting boundaries and not executing them lets the other person think they have an excuse to continue to overstep your boundaries. You shouldn’t make any exceptions to your own boundaries without careful consideration because you may soon find yourself on compromising things that aren't acceptable to you.

 4. Take responsibility for your actions. Instead of immediately blaming your partner for the situation or how you’re feeling, take a step back and think about the choices you've made in the relationship and see if they may have contributed to the situation. Both partners should be doing this!·     

 5. Know when it’s time to move on. You can only share how you desire to be treated in the relationship, and you can’t be responsible for your partner’s feelings or communication. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and fairness.If your partner can’t respect your boundaries, then it may be time to end the relationship.

Setting and establishing healthy boundaries is a skill, and it takes time! Remember, healthy boundaries don’t come easy, but if you trust your instincts, be open, and practice with your partner, the relationship will only get stronger over time.