Neuro Oncology

Health Q&A
Does the picture shows leukoplakia

I have painless submental and submandibular lymphadenopathy with maintained fatty hilum .Does it show cancer or something I am worried doctor.plz reply

Breast issue

Hey, mine usg report is normal. as google say mammogram is standard detection for detecting breast cancer. do i need further investigation like mammogram or mri?? or usg is sufficient? it is possible that usg is normal and mammo and mri find some maligancy???

Multiple lumps

I was having breast fibroadenoma n I get i removed since a 9 10 months ago,n am having a scnd one am having a jaw lump it's movable soft and it was very small whn I noticed it for the very first tym now it has increased a bit and jst on below my neck there is same second one...plz tell me what shld i do shld i ignore them am nt having any pain there ...but why am having multiple n these am noticing gradually first on my breast now may  on face jawline...shld i leave thm as they r bcz I can't do many surgries nor I can take alot of medicines as am already having some guy issues n others too ..plz hlp

I am concerned about my reports

In my reports all wbc rbc and platelets are in normal range...but there is high immature granulocyte percentage...mine is 0.9 % ...and i am stressed about it

Breast lump Biopsy

Can anybody please help me in reading this biopsy report. Its very urgent.............................