Occupational Psychology

Health Q&A
Mind not control

Since the last 6-7 months I have been facing lots of major family issues and now I have started smoking and drinking but since last 1 week I have not slept 3-4 hours in a day now my mind has changed also facing lot's of health issues

Venlor xr d...

My husbsnd is taking venlor d and i m taking frext 100 and lamatrigene 100...my husband abuses me mentally that u you have serious problem than him...he claims venlor is simple drug...and lamstrigene is very serious drug...he and his parents starts domestic violence against me only bcoz of lamatrigene...they claim that they consulted a psychatrist and that psychaitrist has told them that lamateigene is not given for depression...and it is for bi polar,seziure etc...and also told them a girl who is taking lamatrigene100 is not able for marriage...plz answer so that i can guide them...bcoz i have not any medical knowledge...


Does melatonin cause weight gain Does melatonin cause weight gain? Does melatonin cause weight gain?


Is it true that atomoxetine is available in the delhi government hospital and is provided 100mg per day? As it's not available in Maharashtra government hospital

Can Vipca 10 cause palpitations?

I was prescribed Vipca 10 by a Neurologist to help resolve disturbed sleep issues due to a traumatic experience which happened three years ago. Within a week of taking the medicines, I started getting palpitations. Resting heart rate went to about 88 bpm. Does Vipca 10 (Vortioxetine) cause these side effects. Can a psychiatrist please shed some light?