Aortic Valve Surgery

Health Q&A
Ecg of a 21 (female) during panic attack

Is my ecg normal? My doctor said that it was just stress but was it. Why the conclusion is wrong. I am panicking please help.

Suffering from Mitral Valve stenosis

My sister is suffering with mitral valve stenosis due to heavy calcium deposits. And she needs to go for valve replacement but as she is not yet married and her family is incomplete. I want to understand which type of valve should we choose for her. Doctors said if she will have metallic one then she needs to take pills for rest of her life and that will create some difficulties to deliver a healthy baby but if she will have tissue valve then she will have a normal delivery but in next 10 years she will have to go for another surgery. Now I want to know which valve should be appropriate for her and also won't create trouble while having a healthy baby in future. And also want to know if we are choosing Tissue valve then how complicated the second surgery will be? Can it be a good Idea for now to go with a tissue valve and after 10/12 years switch to metallic valve when second surgery will be performed without any complications?

Lipid Profile

Recently done a routine blood test and my lipid profile are as below Total Cholestrol - 115mg/dl HDL cholestrol - 56mg/dl LDL cholestrol - 31mg/dl VLDL cholestrol - 28mg/dl cholestrol/HDL ratio- 2.1 Non HDL cholestrol - 59mg/dl Triglycerides - 141mg/dl Is everything normal. Bcaz iam overweight of 98Kg. previously i was 108kg and reduced almost 10kg in a year.

High cholesterol  after exercise, diet

My husband 37 years old. Height 5 feet 6 inches. He has lost ,6 kg after following diet and daily exercise like walking or cycling and surya namaskar. Then now 67.5 kg. Hes been following non oily food, dieting, and walking from 7 months. In February report it showed little decrease. But im June report its showing more. He tries to eat home food only. But why its not decreasing??? Ill attach two reports within 4 months. His both parents dont have cholesterol. He has 5 days a week job. From 10 to 8:30 mostly sitting front of laptop.

Is this ECG normal or have any problems?

This is the ECG of my friend's father. Is this ECG normal or has it got any problems? Please reply me.

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Dr. Srinivas V K - Cardiologist
Dr. Srinivas V K Cardiologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Cardiology) 40 years experience Vydehi Super Speciality Hospital(Mallya Hospital)
10 recommendations Ashoknagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Jai Babu - Cardiologist
Dr. Jai Babu Cardiologist (MBBS, MD - Medicine, DM - Cardiology) 21 years experience Altius Hospitals
115 recommendations HBR Layout, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Durga Prasad Reddy - Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Dr. Durga Prasad Reddy Cardiothoracic Surgeon (MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Cardio Thoracic Surgery) 27 years experience Vydehi Super Speciality Hospital(Mallya Hospital)
3 recommendations Ashoknagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Jayaranganath M - Cardiologist
Dr. Jayaranganath M Cardiologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Cardiology) 36 years experience Apollo Hospitals
21 recommendations Seshadripuram, Bangalore INR 950
Dr. C.M Nagesh - Cardiologist
Dr. C.M Nagesh Cardiologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Cardiology) 25 years experience Apollo Hospital
16 recommendations Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore INR 1000