
Health Q&A
My eyes are dry and strained

I had to work for 10hours straight staring at my laptop. Today my eyes are too dry and strained. Can I use any tear drop? If so how many times per day I can use it?

Headache when try to see/focus

I am having headache while I try to see or focus and feels blurry sometimes. I am breastfeeding for 10 months old baby. I did lasik 7 years ago.I feel eyesight is fine but don't know the reason behind this. Can anyone help.

Watering eyes

Hi, my eyes are watering since last few months while using phone in night. Is it serious or usual? .

Her eyes hurt when she read tiny letters

My daughter says that she is facing difficulty while reading tiny letters in her books. She faces this problem after every 15min of continuous reading. But she can view the distant objects and letters clearly. Will she need any reading glasses for an aid for her vision while reading ?

Better eye lubricant

Hi, I want to ask is 1% Carboxymethylcellulose better than 0.5%? I have 10-12 hours of screen exposure daily so please suggest either 1% or 0.5% is better. Also, what is the meaning of liquigel which is there is name of 1% Carboxymethylcellulose eye drops. Thanks.

Health Feed
Understanding Glaucoma: 4 Essential Facts

As your trusted ophthalmologist, it's crucial to equip you with essential knowledge about eye health. Today, let's delve into the complex condition known as glaucoma. Understanding these four key facts can help you navigate this condition more confidently:1. Glaucoma is Sneaky, Yet ...

Understanding Glaucoma: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Glaucoma is a multifaceted eye condition characterized by damage to the optic nerve, typically due to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Despite its prevalence and potential for irreversible blindness, glaucoma often remains undetected until significant vision loss occurs. Early detection and ...

Vision Protection Tips: Safeguard Your Sight

Taking care of your eyes is essential for maintaining good vision and overall health. Here are some practical tips to help protect your precious eyesight:Regular Eye Exams: Don't underestimate the importance of routine eye exams. Schedule appointments with your trusted ophthalmologist or ...

3 Symptoms of Diabetic Eye That You Must Know

In a world where chronic diseases like diabetes are increasingly prevalent, it's crucial to understand their widespread impact on various aspects of health – an aspect often overlooked is eye health. Diabetes, known primarily for its effects on blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, also ...

Recognizing Early Signs of Eye Problems: A Guide

As your trusted ophthalmologist, we understand the importance of early detection and treatment when it comes to eye health. Many eye problems can be effectively managed or even prevented with timely intervention. In this post, we'll discuss some common symptoms that may indicate underlying eye ...

Dr. M B Trishala - Ophthalmologist
Dr. M B Trishala Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology) 34 years experience Manipal Hospital
23 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Shalini Shetty - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Shalini Shetty Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology) 31 years experience Apollo Hospital
85 recommendations Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore INR 950
Dr. Rinku Das - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Rinku Das Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Fellowship in IOL & Microsurgery, Fellowship in Glaucoma) 24 years experience My Vision Eye Clinic
444 recommendations Sarjapur Road, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Sanghamitra Burman - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Sanghamitra Burman Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MD - Ophthalmology, FICO, DNB - Ophthalmology, FRCS - Ophthalmology) 25 years experience SightYears Eye Clinic
1512 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Rajesh Parekh - Ophthalmologist
Dr. Rajesh Parekh Ophthalmologist (MBBS, MS - Ophthalmology, Fellowship Aravind Eye Hospital Madhurai) 28 years experience Manipal Hospital, Millers Road ( Vikram Hospitals )
13 recommendations Millers Road, Bangalore INR 1000