Delayed Tooth Development Treatment

Hypodontia and Oligodontia are conditions, which are genetic in nature and can lead to the absence of teeth in an individual.Conditions such as cerebral palsy, anaemia and low birth weight can also delay teeth formation. X rays are conducted to find the tooth root in the gums.

Hypodontia and Oligodontia are conditions, which are genetic in nature and can lead to the absence of teeth in an individual.Conditions such as cerebral palsy, anaemia and low birth weight can also delay teeth formation. X rays are conducted to find ... More

Health Q&A
Implant /Braces

Hi , I had a braces treatment for twice , 1st time I had only for upper jaw without tooth extraction (even with one extra tooth ) at end I had a midline shift so I didn't had retainers . after 1 year I again had a braces treatment for second time with four tooth extraction two from upper 2 from lower but because for one extra tooth I had in upper jaw I was left with one tooth gap which was not predicted properly by doctors so she said she will close that gap by bridge I was not okay with that method so I stopped the treatment and had retainers to maintain the gap to prevent tooth shifting. It was almost 5 years now &I am planning for a permanent best solution I consulted 3-4 doctors some are recommending implants some are recommending braces they are saying I need to correct a bite for that I should have same tooth count in upper and lower jaw else I might get jaw problems in future I am confused because recommend me best and permanent solution. I attached x ray for reference

White patch inside mouth

I have noticed a white patch inside my mouth. It's not hurting and neither bothering me. I just doing gargle when i saw this. What is it? I'm attaching photo.

Is cap mandatory after root canal treatm

I completed root canal in upper molor tooth. Is it necessary to go for cap. Is there anynother alternative ti cap. If cap is the best way which cap is good. Metal+seramic or full ceramic (zirconia). Experts kindly advice.

Sensation in right portion of cheek

Hello, I consulted a dentist and it was marked that I have pockets in pre molar teeth and so is the reason I have having high sensitivity and mild pain . Doctor mentioned there may be debris and by cleansing it should go away . But last in 2017 I did a cleansing and post that I started getting pain and sensitivity in cheek and chin portion. Please suggest if I should go for a cleansing .

Delayed eruption

My son got 2 lower incisors in ending feb.upper incisors are not erupting since then. Do we have to worry about it?

Health Feed
Ensuring Bright Smiles: The Importance of Paediatric Dentistry

 As parents, ensuring the health and well-being of our children is a top priority. While we often focus on their physical and emotional development, it’s equally crucial to pay attention to their dental health. Paediatric dentistry plays avital role in maintaining the oral health of ...

Understanding Cracked Tooth

 A cracked tooth can range from a minor inconvenience to a serious dental issue requiring immediate attention. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and available treatments can help you manage this condition effectively.#### Causes of Cracked Teeth1. **Physical Trauma:** Accidents, sports ...

Deciphering Tooth Decay: A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Wellness

Tooth decay is a common dental problem that many people face. It happens when the acids in your mouth dissolve the outer layers of your teeth. This can lead to cavities, which are tiny holes in your teeth. But what causes tooth decay, and how can you prevent it? Let's dive in and ...

Debunking Common Myths About Dental Care

Dental care is crucial for maintaining good oral health, yet many myths surround it. These misconceptions can lead to confusion and may even prevent people from taking proper care of their teeth and gums. In this article, we'll debunk some common myths about dental care and uncover the actual ...

Don't Let Wisdom Teeth Play Dominoes With Your Smile!

 When wisdom teeth become impacted, they don't erupt fully through the gum line, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. This can not only lead to infections and gum disease but can also contribute to the development of cavities in adjacent teeth. Understanding how impacted ...

Dr. Venkatesh M J - Dentist
Dr. Venkatesh M J Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 29 years experience All Care Dental Centre - since 1969
35 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. K.A. Mohan - Dentist
Dr. K.A. Mohan Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 55 years experience Dental De Care
53 recommendations Domlur, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Jnanesha H.C - Dentist
Dr. Jnanesha H.C Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics, Invisalign Training Course, PG Diploma in Laser Dentistry) 22 years experience Excel Dental Care
457 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Baswaraj Biradar - Dentist
Dr. Baswaraj Biradar Dentist (BDS, MDS - Prosthodontist And Crown Bridge) 27 years experience Impressions Dental Specialities
2138 recommendations Sahakaranagar, Bangalore INR 400
Dr. Aarti Talikoti - Dentist
Dr. Aarti Talikoti Dentist (BDS, MDS - Prosthodontics) 21 years experience Infinit Dental Solutions
200 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 300