Hyperprolactinemia Treatment

Health Q&A
Sugar level

My sugar level is 149 after 1 hours of have  lunch , is it normal or elevated, fasting level is 90 ,pls suggest, I am feeling burning in feet

Metformin overdose

Does taking 5g of metformin at a time kill a patient? How many grams of metformin causes lactic acidosis?

Diabetes hypertension

Hi sir/mam I m asking a question for my father 54yrs old having diabetes , hypertension,cervical pain in shoulder Diabetes since last 5 yrs taking med for it and same for bp as well recently he got giddiness feeling body numbness, he was not able to speak to his tongue, we got really worried and took him to local hospital where doc did random sugar(247) and bp 140/80 he had medicine before this episode all basic tests are fine kft lft cbc lipid hba1c 7.1 so since then we are in confusion to whom doctor we should consult(which specialist)we need to look up for? All answers are welcomed please reply that would be a great help thanks in advance:)

Sugar level

I want to know what is the normal range of fasting sugar level and what is the normal range for PP sugar level?

Feeling extremely hungry & light dizzy

Hello respected doctors. Im heart patient, ive triple blockages in heart & im taking heart medicine everyday. 2 month ago i found out i have sugar. FBS- 240 , PPBS - 344 HBA1C - 8.1. Till one & half month im taking sugar medicine METFORMIN 500 - 2times daily , GP 1 - 2times daily, TENGYLN - 20 - 1 times . Taking those medicine for 1 & half months im feeling extremely hungry from today, dizziness, & nausea type. Is my blood sugar come to low or medicine not working? Plz help

Health Feed
Why Did I Develop Hypothyroidism?

What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism?The most common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto thyroiditis). Autoimmune hypothyroidism is more common in women than men. What causes Autoimmune Hypothyroidism? The immune system in our ...

Short Stature in Children

Many parents want to know if their child is growing normally or not. A child's growth is considered normal if both the height and weight for his/her age and sex are normal. Although weight is routinely monitored, little importance is given to height of the child. The term short ...

Tax on Sugary Drinks in Uk

Tax on Sugary Drinks in Uk Expected to Have Major Health Benefits:Great Britain has implemented a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. An incisive analysis computes that as a consequence of this there will be 20,000 fewer cases of diabetes per year and over 2.5 lakh fewer dental cavities ...

Over 2.5 Crore Kids & Teenagers Will Be Obese by 2025 - WHO Report

Obesity screening in youth a must!!Excess body fat has become a rampant problem even in our children and adolescents. Government healthcare organizations in USA have urged doctors to routinely measure body weight of youth at clinical visits,starting at the age 6 year onwards. ...

Three Steps to Triglyceride Control

In India, whenever a patient goes for a lipid test, the results mostly revolves around low HDL, high triglyceride levels, LDL, Non HDL. This is  true in most of the cases. The intricacies of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, Non HDL look like  zombies looming around to the general ...

Dr. Sudeep Putta Manohar - Endocrinologist
Dr. Sudeep Putta Manohar Endocrinologist (MBBS, MRCP (UK), CCT - Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus) 24 years experience Apollo Speciality Hospitals
73 recommendations Jayanagar, Bangalore INR 1000
Dr. Dwarakanath C.S. - Endocrinologist
Dr. Dwarakanath C.S. Endocrinologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Endocrinology) 37 years experience Apollo Sugar Clinic
59 recommendations Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore INR 1120
Dr. Anusha N D - General Physician
Dr. Anusha N D General Physician (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DM - Endocrinology) 13 years experience Marvel Multispeciality Hospital
211 recommendations Koramangala 1 Block, Bangalore INR 1200
Dr. Harshitha Boyareddigari - Endocrinologist
Dr. Harshitha Boyareddigari Endocrinologist (MBBS, DNB - General Medicine, DM - Endocrinology) 13 years experience Manipal Hospital
7 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 900
Dr. Aditya G. Hegde - Endocrinologist
Dr. Aditya G. Hegde Endocrinologist (MBBS, MD - General Medicine, DNB - Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism) 11 years experience Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road
17 recommendations Old Airport Road, Bangalore INR 900