Infertility Treatment

Male infertility is the medical name for physical inability to procreate with a fertile female partner. Those facing ejaculatory problems are prescribed IUI therapies, IVF and other sorts of medications. The first and foremost sign is failure of the partner to conceive a baby.

Male infertility is the medical name for physical inability to procreate with a fertile female partner. Those facing ejaculatory problems are prescribed IUI therapies, IVF and other sorts of medications. The first and foremost sign is failure of the ... More

Health Q&A
Pregnancy Ultrasound Test Reports

Is it a 5 weeks baby, we have done ultra sound from a nearest lab however we are not sure and it suppose to be less than 2 weeks but they're stating it is 5 weeks baby.

GTT test 149 after 2 hours pregnancy

I am currently in my 32nd week and I took GTT test. 2 hours after consuming 75gms glucose test result is 149. Fasting sugar was not tested. HBa1c is 5.7. Doctor has advised to take glycomet 500 mg twice a day until delivery. Please advise if dose is too much or it's fine. Or do I need to do any additional tests.

Pregnancy or side effects of ipill

She had unprotected sex on 25th May and 28th May and took ipill on 26th May 2024. She had periods from 16th May to 21st May. Also, she has a cycle of approximately 33 days. On 1st June she saw a brown discharge. From 2nd June to 4th June she saw red blood. And from 5th June to 7th June she is seeing slight brown risky coloured discharge. She was feeling nauseated from 1st June to 5th June. She vomited 3 times on 5th June. From 6th June to 7th june her lower back started paining. She took pregnancy test on 3rd June and on 6th June all of which were negative. Is there any chance of her being pregnant or all these are the side effects of ipill??

Pain in lower back and pelvis

Hello ..I am currently 25 weeks and 5 days pregnant. from yesterday night I am having severe lower back pain that radiates throughout the entire leg and feet ,only on left side though .along with that lower abdominal pain only on one side .abdomen is feeling tight on one side only .the pain is coming and going .facing difficulties while sleeping .baby movements are normal though .Is it labour pain or just normal during pregnancy?

Primolut -N tablet consumption

1. Can a Primolut - N tablet can be consumed regularly for 10 days. 2. What are the side effects if it consumed regularly for 10 days in future. Please suggest/ advise

Health Feed

What is a Endometriosis ? Endometriosis affects about 200 million women worldwide and yet the disease is often misdiagnosed or missed altogether. Endometriosis is a long-term condition which sees tissue similar to the lining of the womb grow in ovaries, fallopian tubes and bowel. It ...

Safe Sex Practices

Safe sexual practices  means adopting measures  to prevent the sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Unwanted or accidental pregnancies are quite common these days in young girls and are as a result of unawareness about safe sex practices.  What ...

Negative Pregnancy Test After Ivf but No Period?

IntroductionIn vitro fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a beacon of hope for childless couples. However, when a negative pregnancy test after IVF is followed by no period, it can be quite stressful. Does this mean you might still be pregnant? Or is it indicating something else? In this article, ...

Peace of Mind on Your Journey: High-Risk Pregnancy Management at Medfemme

Pregnancy is a time of immense joy and anticipation. However, for some women, it can also be accompanied by a few extra worries, especially if they're classified as having a high-risk pregnancy. At Medfemme, we understand these concerns, and we're here to offer comprehensive support and ...

Care in Pregnancy

Pregnancy Care Pregnancy care is not just about medical check-ups; it's about nurturing the body, mind, and soul of both the mother and the baby. Pregnancy is a journey that teaches you to be patient, loving, and caring towards yourself and the soul growing within you A gynaecologist ...

Dr. Triveni M P - Gynecologist/Obstetrician
Dr. Triveni M P Gynecologist/Obstetrician (MBBS, DGO) 23 years experience Noble Multispecialty Hospital
301 recommendations Doddakammanahalli, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Bhargavi Reddy - Gynecologist/Obstetrician
Dr. Bhargavi Reddy Gynecologist/Obstetrician (MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS) 31 years experience Life Plus Hospital
229 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Varalakshmi k - Gynecologist/Obstetrician
Dr. Varalakshmi k Gynecologist/Obstetrician (MBBS, DGO) 23 years experience Aveksha Hospital
116 recommendations Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. Shwetha Yadav - Gynecologist/Obstetrician
Dr. Shwetha Yadav Gynecologist/Obstetrician (MBBS, DGO) 17 years experience Ovum Woman & Child Speciality Hospital
164 recommendations Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Shanthala Kumari R - Gynecologist/Obstetrician
Dr. Shanthala Kumari R Gynecologist/Obstetrician (MBBS, DGO, DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology, Certificate in Basic Obstetric & Gynaecological Ultrasound, Certificate in Colposcopy, Certificate 3D and 4D Ultrasound Course in Obstetric & Gynaecological, Certificate in Advance Obstetric & Gynaecological Ultrasound, Color Doppler Ultrasound Course in Obstetric & Gynaecological, Masters Certificate Reproductive Medicine & IVF, Certificate Course in Reproductive Medicine & IVF) 35 years experience People Tree Hospitals
94 recommendations Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore INR 500