Health Q&A
Mild Prostatomegaly

I am 32 yrs. In the ultrasound the impression states Mild prostatomegaly. Prostate size 35×37×33mm (Volume 22.5cc) enlarged in size and normal in echo texture. Is this serious? What is the course of treatment if this requires treatment?

Lower foot pain

Hi sir/madam Last 2 days I  had severe lower foot pain. How to relif pain. Some times leg pain also. Iam diabetic patient

280 RBS at night, took Gluconorm G2 fort

My mom is type 2 diabetes...can she take Glucorom G2 forte 1000 metformin plus Glimipride 2mg twice daily...morning night...her random sugar is 280 before dinner...she took G2 forte...will her blood sugar get very low to 50-60 or will she be OK... She used to take 2500 metformin wants to reduce to 2000mg per day...will she be okay at night...or low sugar attack can happen...😨🙏

Minimal fluid in POD & liver enlargement

Hello, I have been suffering from sarcoidosis since 2019 and had an ultrasound as I feel a bit discomfort on my left side. Please let me know what does the findings indicate. Thank You Anu Shree

Any good protein powder for senior adult

My father is a farmer, he works the whole day in sun. He getting old now he is 58yrs now. Still he works hard with farming. I just wanted to gift him some good protein powder for his health and energy. He is always on controlled diabetic. Nowadays getting tired easily as getting weak. Any doctors please suggest a good protein powder for him.

Health Feed
Boost Your Immunity With These Tips

1. Eat a Balanced DietA diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides essential nutrients that support immune function. Focus on foods high in vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and zinc. For example:        • ...

High Uric Acid? Skip These Foods for Relief

High uric acid levels can lead to a painful condition known as gout, characterized by swelling, redness, and intense pain in the joints. While genetics and certain medical conditions play a role in predisposing individuals to high uric acid levels, diet also plays a significant role. Some ...

Vaccinations for Adults

Getting vaccinated as an adult isn't just for kids—it's essential for your health too! Vaccines like the flu shot, pneumococcal vaccine (for pneumonia), and the shingles vaccine can help protect you from getting sick with diseases that can be more severe as we get ...

7 Signs Your Gut Health Needs Attention

Ensuring optimal gut health is crucial for one's general health. The gut, sometimes called the "second brain," is an important organ that helps with digestion, immunity, mood regulation, and many other things. A host of symptoms and health problems can manifest when the gut's natural defenses ...

Upgrade Your Diet With 20 Liver-Friendly Foods

Among the liver's many important functions are detoxification, metabolism, and nutrition storage. It is essential for general health to keep the liver healthy. Optimal liver function and long-term health can be supported by including liver-friendly foods in your family's diet. Discover 20 ...

Dr. Ashwitha R Nayak - General Physician
Dr. Ashwitha R Nayak General Physician (MBBS) 7 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
116 recommendations Kammana Halli, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Renuka C - General Physician
Dr. Renuka C General Physician (MBBS) 5 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
38 recommendations Koramangala, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Aamir Muhamed - General Physician
Dr. Aamir Muhamed General Physician (MBBS) 6 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
23 recommendations Adugodi, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Anil Kumar K C - General Physician
Dr. Anil Kumar K C General Physician (MBBS) 7 years experience Clinikk Health Hub
32 recommendations Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bangalore INR 250
Dr. Abdul Rasheed - General Physician
Dr. Abdul Rasheed General Physician (MBBS, Postgraduate Fellowship in Accident and Emergency Medicine) 35 years experience Dr Abdul Rasheed Clinic
15 recommendations RT Nagar, Bangalore INR 300