
A root canal treatment might need to be done if the cause of the toothache is found to be an infection of the tooth’s nerve. The practice of dentistry has undergone many technological improvements in the field of dental surgeries and treatments.Toothache treatment procedure is generally done in stages with pain and infection being cared for immediately and reconstructive procedures are performed at a later time.

A root canal treatment might need to be done if the cause of the toothache is found to be an infection of the tooth’s nerve. The practice of dentistry has undergone many technological improvements in the field of dental surgeries and treatments.Tooth ... More

Health Q&A
Tooth swelling

From yesterday my tooth is swelling, i took medicines still it increases. Please give a suggestions

Implant /Braces

Hi , I had a braces treatment for twice , 1st time I had only for upper jaw without tooth extraction (even with one extra tooth ) at end I had a midline shift so I didn't had retainers . after 1 year I again had a braces treatment for second time with four tooth extraction two from upper 2 from lower but because for one extra tooth I had in upper jaw I was left with one tooth gap which was not predicted properly by doctors so she said she will close that gap by bridge I was not okay with that method so I stopped the treatment and had retainers to maintain the gap to prevent tooth shifting. It was almost 5 years now &I am planning for a permanent best solution I consulted 3-4 doctors some are recommending implants some are recommending braces they are saying I need to correct a bite for that I should have same tooth count in upper and lower jaw else I might get jaw problems in future I am confused because recommend me best and permanent solution. I attached x ray for reference

Small extra skin in between dental bridg

Today I found small extra skin in between dental bridge at lower right . It is soft and slightly movable ( when try to move by tongue) no pain and inflammation. I also attach picture. What is this? What to do next? Is it normal?

What toothpaste to use..?

Recently i did scaling of my teeth, i found there are two black marks in my tooth probably cavities, as it appeared very preliminary stage. What toothpaste should i use ..?? So that it doesn't expand and also it gets cured

Valplast dentures

Is it possible to get a single unit Valplast denture for the upper two premolars, and what will be the cost?

Health Feed
Understanding Cracked Tooth

 A cracked tooth can range from a minor inconvenience to a serious dental issue requiring immediate attention. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and available treatments can help you manage this condition effectively.#### Causes of Cracked Teeth1. **Physical Trauma:** Accidents, sports ...

5 Reasons Why You Should Worry About Cracked Teeth in Mouth.

Cracked teeth can pose significant oral health issues that require attention to prevent long-term damage and complications. Here are five compelling reasons why you should be concerned about cracked teeth:Pain and Discomfort: One of the most immediate and noticeable effects of ...

Debunking Common Myths About Dental Care

Dental care is crucial for maintaining good oral health, yet many myths surround it. These misconceptions can lead to confusion and may even prevent people from taking proper care of their teeth and gums. In this article, we'll debunk some common myths about dental care and uncover the actual ...

Unlocking the Power of Brushing: A Path to Healthy Smiles

Brushing teeth is a mundane task often overlooked in the rush of our daily lives, yet its importance cannot be overstated. Beyond the simple act of freshening our breath, brushing our teeth is a cornerstone of oral hygiene, safeguarding against a plethora of dental issues and contributing to ...

Composite Veeners

Composite veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment where a tooth-colored composite resin material is bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. They're a more affordable option and can address issues like discoloration, chipping, or slight misalignment and also serves as a ...

Dr. Sumanth Shetty - Dentist
Dr. Sumanth Shetty Dentist (BDS, MDS - Paedodontics And Preventive Dentistry) 25 years experience Chisel Dental
4307 recommendations Koramangala, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Venkatesh M J - Dentist
Dr. Venkatesh M J Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 29 years experience All Care Dental Centre - since 1969
35 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. M J Murali - Dentist
Dr. M J Murali Dentist (MDS - Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, BDS) 27 years experience All Care Dental Centre - since 1969
184 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. K.A. Mohan - Dentist
Dr. K.A. Mohan Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 55 years experience Dental De Care
53 recommendations Domlur, Bangalore INR 500
Dr. T. Ramakrishna - Dentist
Dr. T. Ramakrishna Dentist (BDS, MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Implant Externship Program) 26 years experience Dental Profiles Clinic
739 recommendations JP Nagar 7 Phase, Bangalore INR 500