

Heavy head after eating sugary things

Whenever I eat mango or drink cold drinks my head becomes heavy. My fasting sugar is 106 Hba1c 6.5 and serum insulin 18. At present not taking any medicine. Please advise...
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High Blood Sugar

The sugar level (usually PPBS) of my father is remaining high (320-360) since his neurosurgery that was done in the month of February. He has type 2 diabetes and is on medication for the last 12 years or so. Currently he is taking Glimmy 2 (once before breakfast) and Gluvilda M 50/500 (once after breakfast). His HbA1c is 7.7 (last tested on April 1, 2024). How can his blood sugar level be managed effectively?
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Normal blood glucose

Hello my fasting glucose was 105 and after meal 143 but hbaic is 5.0 showing average glucose 100 how is it possible that average is 100
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Diagnosed with pre-diabetic

Hello, I have attached my report of Glycosylated Haemoglobin(HBA1C) and Mean Blood Glucose investigations. Kindly help me to understand this and what to do further to avoid diabetes. Investigation status: HBA1C = 5.7% Mean Blood Glucose = 116.89 mg/dl I need assistance with diet plan and home remedy or medicines or exercise to avoid future diabetes.
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Fasting levels high

Since last 1year When ever I fasting like I eat dinner 8pm in evening and next morning breakfast around 9am I observed my sugar level increase but after 2hour of eating whenever I check my sugar it's always under control hba1c level i am checking every 6month it was 5.6and 5.4 Even I did intermittent fasting my fasting sugar levels are always between 100-130 but rbs pp hba1c is always normal.
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Good morning Doctors

2 hours after starting food so this blood sugar must be less than 180 mg/dL in diabetic people .  But two hours after starting food from how many mg/dL to less than 180 mg/dL is normal blood sugar  for diabetic people ?
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Suger High

Dear sir my mother age 68 last 4 year suger patient suger is 200 to 300 but suddenly increased few week fasting is 400 after food is 460 please suggest next step , control by medicine please help
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Ant in urine

Sir. I am not symptoms and I am just 20 yrs old and from tommorow I see some big and small size ant when I pee this place but after sometime..i check it not coming and not see so can I have diabetes bcz previously check two or three times when I am sick like fever nd all everytime normal
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Allopathic medicine vs Ayurveda treatmen

I am diabetic. It runs in my family. I have consulted doctors and started taking medicines, also started working out. while taking medicine glycomet 500. I have observed that my weight has reduced, but I am afraid that I'll get habituated to the medicine and I have stopped after that. I couldn't reduce my weight once i stopped taking medicine and my sugar levels, also increased to 8. I am confused whether to go with allopathic medicine or Ayurvedic treatment which has no side effects and my body doesnt depend on medicine
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Diabetes, cholesterol,Bp

My name Rajeshbabu Age 33 years I am suffering diabetes, cholesterol,dp and vitiligo last 2 years I am suffering Diabetes plz help me Doctors.
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