Recently Answered Questions on Free


High free t3 and ldl

I have free t3 of 4.85. Tsh 1.1 t4 .0.98 does this requires treatment Ldl 138 What medicene can i take
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Low free T

Can low levels of free testosterone cause osteoporosis in men and does estrogen levels has something to do with bone density
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Minimal free fluid in POD

I went for intravaginal ultrasound at 5th week of pregnancy and the scan report says - minimal free fluid in POD. What does it mean ?Should I be worried ?
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Is Free thyroid better than totalthyroid

I have been suffering with grave hyperthyroid for 18 months. Can anyone suggest if free thyroid profile test better or total thyroid test better?
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Is kapiva dia free good for diabetics

Is this juice kapiva dia free good for diabetics with bp, any side affects from long term uses, any thing that should be considered?
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Free psa high

I was having some issues with flow of urine and some discomfort now and then in perineum, so i got tested for psa, total psa is 0.62 and free psa is 0.21, The percentage seems high for my age, what should i do?
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Minimal free fluid in pod

Hi, I am 6 weeks pregnant and went for a usg pregnancy but that was not this common?so I went for a TVS scan where it shows minimal free fluid in pod .Is it good or bad
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How to have pimple free skin

Hi doctor, When I grow beard, I get pimples. How can I have pimple free skin ? My skin is also oily. What is the best method or cure so that even if  I get pimples, it goes away in less than a day.
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Paraben free facewash

Hi, I am 36yrs old female. Could u pls recommend any good paraben free facewash for daily use. I have a combination skin.
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Regarding the tear free soap

Please suggest a good tear free soap for my baby aged 10 months. Was very worried when he is rubbing and crying while bath.
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