Recently Answered Questions on Free


Minimal free fluid in POD

What does minimal free fluid in pouch of Douglas mean and if TVS ultrasound report says PID under the title Impression. What does that mean? I have been having abdominal cramps past 2.5 months and abdomen looks swollen like 4 months pregnant.(pregnancy test negative) .Is it because of the fluid in POD?
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Want a pimple free and healthy skin

I m 27. I have sensitive n little bit oily skin..I got pimples usually on my face.Can u suggest me any non comedogenic and oil free night cream so that I can take care of my skin before 30's.
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Echo free cyst in right adnexa

A moderate, well defined, Echo free cyst measuring 54mm x 36.8mm (approx) is noted in right adnexa. No septa/calcification/solid component is noted at present. Right ovarian parenchyma is obscured by the cyst. Is surgery is required or medicine is enough? Is it a matter to be worried?
916 Views hidden

Free testosterone is low

Hi Doctor, Free testosterone of my husband is 9.92 against range of 8.69-54.69. However, total testosterone is 476 against range of 241-827. He hardly gets any erection. If at all he gets erection, he is not able to last for long. We have an inactive sex life. Can you advise what we should do for this ?
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No free spill in right fallopian tube

Hi I'm trying to ttc for the last 4 months I have pcos my eggs are getting ruptured everything is fine still I'm not getting pregnant.. We took hsg test and the doctor observed I do not have free spill in right side and they think it might be due to some spasm too bad there s nothing to worry in this case.. Please advise is this something serious? I'M JUST 26 what might be the reason for the abnormalities in free spill
224 Views hidden

Free fluid in pelvis

Recently undergone MRI on the 11th day of cycle, report  says mile free fluid in pelvis. What does tht mean?  Dont have any history as such. I have some fibroids also , report says hyaline with cystic degeneration .
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Found free liqiud in stomach

Pain in stomach with fever for more than 15 days got whole abdomen sonography report with increased free fliud in stomach and increased liver size and increased spleen size
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Is Biominox A 10% alcohol free?

Im planning to buy the biominox a10% which is a 10 percent minoxidil. Is this product alcohol free one?. As the alcohol based is causing flakes. Expecting ur response.
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Free space for doctors clinic

Hi, I am running a medical shop along with free Clinic step up on paschimpuri road Sikandra Agra. I am looking for MBBS , MD, MS or  general physician right now. Regard Ashish Singh
110 Views hidden

Pill free week

Is it safe to have unprotected sex in pill free week? I'm on 5th day of not taking pills & bleeding hasn't started yet. I had sex yesterday so should I restart my next pack irrespective of bleeding from the 8th day?
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