Recently Answered Questions on Free


Free fluid seen in pelvic

Free fluid seen in pelvic is this ectopic pregnancy my transvaginal ultrasound done free fluid seen normal ultrasound is dosent show pregnancy on 19th may beta HCG done which was negative and on 23rd may beta HCG negative after that I got period on 25/5/2023 in April it was 21/04/2023 and again I did beta HCG is seen less than 1.20 in April we did unprotected sex on 8th April 2023 after that I got period on 21/04/2023, and again we did sex on 14th may I got my period on 25/5/2023 before beta HCG was neagtive both urine and blood and on 15/6/2023 I did beta HCG which was less than 1.20 today done transvaginal report attached. Is this ectopic?
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Free fluids in pod

Hi I have done  TVS test on the 3rd day of my period.. where the report shows that free fluid  in  pod.. what it means.. Can I get pregnant naturally.. Endometriosis thickness: 9.9m (3rd day) and I have attached my report please check.. AMH : 1.42 FSH: 5.99 miu/ml Prolactin: 19.2 TH: 2.13 LH:1.61 Sperm count : 81 mil/ml Motility :79% Is there any problem?? Can I get pregnant naturally???
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Free fluid,pain in left side abdomen

I've diagnosed with UTI and under medication for 1 month. Still feel pain in lower left abdomen. My doctor(urologist) said that it maybe a sign of PID. What does it mean "free fluid in POD". I'm worried about PID, want to know what it is. As I'm unmarried doctor nearby doesn't take PID under consideration so I want to talk freely about it. I don't have white discharge so what is it?? Just UTI or PID.
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Sugar free gold pellets

I am 16 years old female . Pcod patient and prediabetic. Weight 73kgs. Height 165cm. For for 3 months I had cut down sugar and used sugar free gold pellets insted. I used 6 pellets each day for 3 months . Now I have heard that it is not good for health and can cause cancer and other problems. Please tell now I am scared like will I get cancer or any other decease because of consuming it regularly??
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Free fluid in POD

Hi What does free flow in POD means after getting TVS done. Does it mean I am pregnant as I am bleeding since 1st August and before that I had bleeding from 10th June till 30th June on 17th July just had mild spotting but from 1st August again bleeding started. I am freaked out does it mean I am pregnant?
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Steroid free SLE Treatment

Hi I am suffering wid chronic pain of rheumatoid arthritis (SLE) an autoimmune disease,have painful nods in fingers elbows knees n foot palm taking hcqs 200 once a day nd a breastfeeding mother,also have notice when my this pain flares up ,bronchitis also start worsen with coughing.i rarely get those butterfly rashes but my face gets red max of the times.kindly suggest some steroid free safe treatment
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No free spill in right tube

Im 26 and I have pcos every and the eggs are getting developed and getting ruptured without any issue and my concern here is I'm not getting pregnant though I have intercourse on ovulation day.. My doctor advised for hsg tube test and she observed I do not have free spill in right tube.. My eggs are getting developed in right ovaries and right tube is blocked.. Can I still get pregnant ? Will the egg pass through correct unblocked  fallopian tube??
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Minimal free liquid in pod

Hi, I am suffering from lower abdomen and back pain with frequent urination ,fewer and discharge..i got scan done it showes minimal free liquid in pod...I have got my tubictomy done 5 and half years back...please let me know whats the issue..pain is not getting better with pain killer too..Am having doxy 100mg and normetrogyl for about 2 days now...thank you
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Avail  free Medicine facilities for TB

Hi doctor, My dad has been diagnosed with tuberculosis last month and we are getting treatment from private hospital. Heard there are free Medicine facility available for tuberculosis. Can you please guide how do I register my father for free medicine. As I can see in  private hospital for tuberculosis medicines are charged .
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* Minimal free fluid in POD - ? PID.

Pain under the nable * Mild hepatomegaly. LiVER: Liver is mildly enlarged in size and has homogeneous echotexture. No focal lesion is seen. Intrahepatic biliary radicles are not dilatea. Pouch of Douglas: Minimal free fluid is seen. ** No free fluid is seen in the abdomen.
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