Smell related
Thyroid problem
General anixity disorder
Swelling on thum 0.5cm
Give some advice for dandruff control...
Requirement of water
concentric lvh
No periods yet
Vaginal Swelling and Irritation
Prostate gland enlargement
Does rubbing causes pregnancy ?
Elevated liver enzymez..&high cholostrol
Ocd about everythng
Suffering from adenoids
CAD ,had angiogram
Hair colour in pregnancy
Stomach ache and loose motion
How to gain weight
Vaginal problem
Diet after c section
Serum creatinine high
psychological issue
Pruritis in pregnancy
Right knee Patella
Headache and gasetic
Change eye color
Uncomfortable while talking to others
Sprained leg
Washing intimate parts
Kindly advise me about my semen report
Ear wax cleaning
Teeth whitening and cleaning
Eye problem
Unknown cause
Pregnancy matter
Eye wink irregulary
cough and redness skn
Peripheral artery disease
I am going the motion in morning 3 or 4
Burning sleepy eyes with No redness
Is Hair 4u F 5% and Hair 4U 5% Same ?
Accident shwjejjwwjsskskkskwkwkkwkwks
Weakness in the age of 26
I suffering from breast pain
Teeth not coming out
Pain in Upper Abdomen
Wrist pain in left hand
Penius Skin has some extra skin dots.
Persistent Fever with delayed rash
Sunken eyes
Face skin problem
Stomach pain
Hairfall and nail infection
Bitten by Monkey
Dandruff problem
Feeling insecure
Cervical mucus with blood
Which type of doctor should I see
Fungal infection
scan needed?
Hair loss precaution
Ovarian cyst
Discomfort in Chest
body itching
Hair loss
Lump in biceps
asthma and allergy
About HIV infection
Drug interaction/too much
Swelled Ovaries
Feeling weeknes and tiredness
Cyst like lesions on right knee
Pregnancy matter
Suffering since past 6-7 years.
Hand foot and mouth disease
Stomach pain after unwanted72
Pregnancy matter
Bones n joint pain
Pregnancy test
Candida oral thrush.
Pregnancy matter
White boils to in pubic area
6th cranial nerve
Urine infection
Missed period
Dental implants
Skipping of periods
Adhesive Arachnoiditis
Very Low sex drive.
When to do preg test
Supplements to lose weight
Unusual black period within 2 weeks
Fungal in1
Knee pain; uncomfortable while walking
Healthy glowing skin
Patchy and incomplete beard and thining
Overian Fibroid
Black stool in 5 months old baby
pimple and black markss
Wart under chin
Late periods
My father suffering from stomach pain. H
I have 5.7 cm chocolate cyst
16months baby not passed stool from 3dys
Chest/back pain
Fever from 20 days
Congestion on chest and unable to breath
irregular periods
About my internal os is open 1.0cm
Can dead sperm come alive
Hair loss on forehead and sides
Ecg report
Nail infection
Excessive hunger in morning
Advice please
bleeding and had urine infection
Excessive dreams
Hard lump above coller bone
Best Sunscreen
Vaginal itching
Elevated liver enzymes
Poop problem...
Baby having low weight gain
FUT stiches removal
Vitamin B12 is above 2000
Scrotal cystocele
Acid reflux
Could I be pregnant
High fever
2nd month pregnancy need to journey
Too much hair fall no new hair growth
Does she pregnant???
After ACL surgery nt getng walking rhyth
Vibrations in body
Postlateral right side neck abscess pain
Swelling outside the vagina
Hair Falling
Pain to full body & hypertension
Fungel infaction
Hair Falling
Chest ribcage bone pain
Itching and pimple
Weight loss options n there costs in Mum
Rashes on inner thighs
Pimple and acne
Pain in back bone
lost the senses due to accodent.
Periods problem
Constant bleeding from one month
Anal Pain and Severe Stomach Pain
Not able to walk.
Skin problem
Endromatic cyst and infertility
Vaginal itching
Spain problem
Hiv prblms sir
Back bone & spinal cord problem
Pimple like summer boils in face
Rajnath Raj
Why am I not getting pregnant
Not support my mind to body
Is it good to sleep without clothes?
rectal bleeding
Severe cough , throbbing pain in the hea
Lemon in copper utensil
Delayed periods
Use of Salicylic Acid or sapat lotion.
Heavy pain my Joints &Muscles
How to increase the sperm count naturaly
Private part
Hiv doubt sir
Abortion pills
Doubt on hiv
Bump on roof of mouth
Urinare tract contracted
Blood clot
Ear Promblems
Masturbation problems
Hair Problem
Pain in left side of the stomach.
Baby can't get sufficient milk from moth
Frequent urination
my wife is not able to feed my baby bcs
Best D3 drops
Inner skin proble.
Regarding periods
Cotton in Wound
Possible Pregnancy: paragard iud
Period time
Diastasis recti
Stomach pain after taking unwanted72
Swelling on both legs and pain.
Fistula diseases
Scalp pain
Pregnancy with no penetration?
Wisdom tooth ache
Dog bite at knee
Hamstring muscle pull
Arm is tingling
Idk , help , pregnant ?
erection of penis
Lower Heartrate
Small penis
joints are proper or not.recovery time?