With seasonal changes and the threat of coronavirus looming over our heads, the only saving grace of our life now is building a strong immune system. Kadha is an ayurvedic drink made with boiling herbs and spices in water for a length of time. It is befitting especially for cold, cough and allergies caused due to changes in season. This concoction has the added benefit of strengthening of the immune system.  

Here are some kadha recipes that you can try out at home: 

For cold, cough, and flu

Boil cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper, one tablespoon each, in three cups of water. Add about 5-6 holy basil (tulsi)leaves. Let it brew till about one cup of water is left in the pan. You can add honey to sweeten up the concoction. This is the perfect drink to sip during winter months and treat nasal blockages and chest congestion.   

For improved digestion

Add saunf, jeera and ajwain to two cups of water. Add7-8 pudina leaves, and boil this till the colour of the mixture changes. This kadha can help in gastric ailments such as indigestion and acidity.   

For preventing contraction of diseases

Add about 1 tablespoon of turmeric along with 5-6peppercorns to boiling water. Let it brew for 6-7 minutes, take it off the stove and add half a tablespoon of coconut oil, honey and a squeeze of lemon. This not only prevents illnesses but also helps in improving skin and metabolic activities of the body.   

To control blood sugar levels

Add turmeric and powdered fenugreek in equal amounts to milk and boil this mixture. Drink this first thing in the morning to see significant changes in sugar levels.