Common Conditions


Rabies anxiety

Does really rabies virus spread through water which was licked by a rabid animal in a short period of time.
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How much deadly this tick can be.

I found this type similar tick 99% same size same colour on a street dog neck single piece. That dog died in 1month after I noticed this tick on his neck. Cause of death is unknown. Can this tick be the reason of his death.
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Do I need vaccination?

Two months ago, when I was returning home at night, a bird, possibly a bat, flew over my head. At that time, I didn't pay much attention, and I'm certain the bat didn't bite me. However, today I watched a video about rabies, and I'm feeling very anxious. What should I do? Should I get vaccinated? Also, I received a five-dose vaccination nine months ago when a dog scratched me. Please advise.
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Post scratch rabies vaccination

Does post scratch pro valent full course 5 rabies vaccination effective on dog if the vaccination started after 2 month of incidents.symptoms doesn't appear after 2 month of incident.will he be safe after completing the course. he is yearly vaccinated dog also
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Cow not well

My cow is not well so doc gave some injections and drip. Can I drink milk of cow during this time? After how many days of injection can we drink its milk? Or if cow is not well can I give its milk to my children?
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Sneezing , runny rose of shihtzu puppy

Hi dr. My shihtzu puppy is 46 days old and is suffering from sneezing, runny nose . I am unable to get him vaccinated ( baby dp ) as it is suggested not to vaccinate during any symptoms. I am giving him augmentin duo (0.4 ml) and absrib ( 0.2ml ). Still he has runny nose ..pls suggest what can be done and when can i take him for vaccination ? I am really worried ..
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Stray Cat hair

A stray cat comes to my house every time. I think I might have swallowed a cat hair by mistake. Can this cause any issues like rabies?
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Avoid redirected aggression of cats

I have a 3-4 yr old male cat. Whenever he senses our neighbours cat at our door when she is in heat. He gets aggressive and as our door is closed, he redirects his aggression towards me. We neutered him last Sunday. Still whenever I come from outside he growls. We have put him in a cage. Will you please guide how I should avoid his redirected aggression and will it be fine to put him into a cage for half of the day to avoid his interaction with me? I had been attacked twice by him from last month.
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Not Active & Having Food

New 40 days old Shih Tzu not eating food or being active post deworming dosage last night. 3-4 times the motion happened and not eating food. We are trying to feed the girl puppy via syringes with a small quantity of Cerelac. I look forward to expert advice and inputs. Thank you for understanding.
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Methylprednisolone dose

If a dog weight 35kg, age 2.5 yrs was on methylprednisolone dose ip 8mg for 70days where he took 1/2 tablet each day i.e in total he consume 40aprx tablet in 70days duration does this effect his already present rabies titer. He was treated with the tablet for skin infection.
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