Mental Health


Sudharshan kriya

Does sudharshan kriya be practised on a daily basis? Has there any side effects of kriya? Please clarify sir/ madam.. i don't have any health issues
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I feel tired all day.

I feel tired all day and no energy to do the task important to me. I easily get tired because of the university class hours but i am not doing much. Is that due to depression or overthinking Or because I am overweight.
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Shortage of breathing

For the past few days I have been having a shortage of breathing. I am having the history of depression earlier. Now a days whenever I am having any anxiety or fear, specially related to one thing then it's very difficult for me to breathe. This continues for around 30 mins to 1 hrs and during that time I am feeling too heavy inside. Please tell me some solutions for this problem.
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ADHD meds?

Methyphenidate and atomoxetine didn't help I took under psychiatrist supervision Should I meet a neurologist? Is it a good idea? Or should I keep meeting the psychiatrist (I go to sion government hospital)
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Clonazepam withdrawal

I finally quit clonazepam which i took .25mg for 6 months and tapered over 4 months by taking .06 mg or 1/4 of .25mg every 3 days or twice a week my last dose was 4 days ago .. When should i expect withdrawal to kick in and for how long does benzo withdrawal last for ?
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Sleep problems

Hey I m taking clonazapam 1 mg for sleep from past 6 days yesterday i didn't get the desired results can I change from clonazapam to zolpidem??
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As i have tried all the ssri for anxiety and depression, i found through various websites that tramadol has SNRI properties. Which antidepressant is closely related to tramdol so that i can try that one. Dr. gave me first choice duloxetine and if it doesn't work, then venlafaxine but i am tired of trying. Let me know which antidepressant structure is closely related to tramadol?
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Propranolol 80 mg, can take two 40mg ?

So today my Psychiatrist increased my dosage of propranolol from 40mg SR to 80mg SR, now i have some left over 40mg tablets can i take two 40mg? Will it have a similar effect as 80mg SR?
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About anxiety

Sir I fell anxiety when ever I wake up. I ma taking depren h only in night my doctor prescribed mee petrilbeta 10 also when anxiety happen how to solve this morning anxiety .. whenever I wake up I fell anxiety
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Brain fog

I feel like I'm forgetting things and I find it hard to focus and memorize things it feels like it takes a lot to process something and memorize it , reading one sentence and processing it and remembering what it actually means seems like a task I'm very bothered if its normal or if it's vitamin d deficiency I was diagnosed with or if its something serious and different Please help!
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