Chest & Breathing Problems



My mother was reported Eosinophilia in her blood test. She took Hetrazan 100 - 3 times a day and deskast once daily. This course was taken for 1 month. In her latest blood test after taking above medication, there was no improvement is eosinophils count. Differential count is 15%. Absolute count is 1409/cmm. Medical history - Diabetic since 10 years under control Asthametic- since many years but under control. Sometimes she takes Aerocort rotacaps for Asthama. Blood pressure - betaloc 25 mg once daily. No symptoms as Eosinophilia was detected accidentally. I looked into her past two years blood reports and noticed that she always had elevated eosinophils count. Please suggest what is the reason and can this be brought under control. Why is it not reduces after taking hetrazan 100. Thanks.
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Chest Xray Report analysis and Dry cough

From last 15 days I first had Productive cough and sinus issues then it gradually decreased I was taking cepfodoxime protexil antibiotic for last  10 days because of my Dental molar teeth infection... Productive cough resides.but now have episodes of Dry cough with minute amount of white mucus expelled out every time cough but while coughing Chest produces mild  barking and wheezing while forceful experetion of air from lungs .So decided to do a Chest Xray today ...Now I am Mbbs student and X ray show a whitish part  near left side of Heart and mediastenum what is it ...Is the Chest xray Normal i am very much anxious about this now...I have given the the Xray and also encircled the part which is my query is that normal structure of heart or vessel or else? Please Sir or Mam tell me I am very anxious
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Chest X ray Consult

Sir or Mam I m 23 years old Mbbs Student..I had productive Cough and mucus congestion in nose  for 8 days 1 week ago and I was continuing antibiotic cepfodoxime proxetil for 10 days due to my Dental molar tooth extraction procedure which was finished yesterday. but no fever at any time .then productive cough resolved gradually but it's started dry cough again while day coughing remains and while coughing very tiny white mucus comes out and tingling sensation in chest and lower throat all time that leads to urge to cough more I decided to do a chest X ray by self but on X ray I am very anxious about the structure I marked or circled on X ray plate ...what Is it is it part of heart or else that whitish circle on left Side close to mediastenum and is the Chest Xray normal?? Sir please provide me the Ans Quick ..
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Is my chest PA view xray fine?

I got a chest PA view done. I can see which patches in the X-ray . Is my Chest XRay normal or is there any serious problem. I don't have any symptoms except mild coughing.
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Breathless while lying down

I feel difficulty in breathing while lying down in bed ...and sometimes normally also...I don't know it is  just because I am thinking that I am not getting enough oxygen or actually I am feeling breathless
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Lung xray examination

Hello, I have attached a lung xray picture. I was asked to this by my local physician. I would like to enquire if everything is alright with my lungs xray.
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Dyspnea and hives

I have symptoms of dyspnea and hives and sometimes edema on face but from past 2 month but i am now outside of india so i dont know the main cause of allergy but its increasing too much now .now i have no symptoms of edema but there is lot of problem of dyspnea i want to know that it will cause damage to lungs permanently or not please tell me actually after the dyspnea i take citrizine every time and symptoms disappers this allergy occurs suddenly in before time i have no allegy from anything please suggest me what should i do to get rid of this allegy now i am outside of india so i cant go to consult the doctor please suggest me what should i do
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Grand father

From last few years my grandfather has sputum problem But he has no TB and fever So which medicine and how long this medicine he must take to get rid of from sputum
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Overdose of Trelegy Elipta

My father use to take Trelegy Elipta once daily in morning. Today he confused and took it in evening also will it have adverse effect
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Left pleural effusion

Dx'd with acute pancreatitis and left pleural effusion and also with AKI. Will effusion resolve on its own?. Or diuretics needs to be given. Had foot edema and ascities though recovered good.
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