Chest & Breathing Problems


Difficult breathing x ray

I have difficulty in breathing for 10 days (only on day time ) and i have done the chest x ray . Pl review the  xray Report
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Something stuck feeling in throat..

Hlo dr, I am feeling like something is stuck in my throat from 2 days ... And it is not going. . What is the reason of this . And what to do.. Plz help...???
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I have been having on and off breathlessness for 2-3 days I underwent ECG it was normal and D Dimer it was negative ( though readings are fluctuating from 0.25 to 0.4 and then 0.3) I also underwent ECHO. EF was 60% but only abnormalities were mild TR and RSVP 24 mm hg. Is it PAH ? Is my breathlessness due to this ? My SpO2 is always intact at 97-98%. I also have mild hepatomegaly due to fatty liver. Please tell.
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Can some one read the xray?

I have been experiencing symptoms of mild shortness of breath, chest tightness, cough, phlegm and some weakness. Also there is a general overall feeling of being I'll but can't really pinpoint. I've been a smoker for past 8-9 years. Had recently quit after the symptoms started to pile up. Can someone tell if there is something seriously wrong with my lungs or not? I'm freaking out.
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Chest x ray ecg related

Please check if the ecg is okay and also x ray of chest is okay or not. Thank you for your time doctor
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Milliary tb drug resistance

Can tb bacteria become drug resistance due to interruption of treatment because of liver damage 2-3 times for 10-15 days each
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Pneumonia vaccine

I was suffered from pneumonia with Tuberculosis in last year . Strictly completed 6 months ATD and after reveiw of repeat chest xray doctor stopped the courses advised to lead normal life . While I asked my treating  doctor for Pneumonia vaccine he advised not needed as it is applicable for above 60 + age . However some doctor are advised to take vaccine and it is available for 18 to 45 age . I am getting confused what should do ??? Please advise . One more advice is needed that moderate alcohol or beer in week or occasion will be worsen after being cured from pneumonia tb. However, completely quit smoking. Please advise.
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Typhoid Report,please help me

Typhi O - 1:160 Typhi H - 1:80 Typhi AH - 1:40 Typhi BH - 1:40 Please help me how serious typhoid it is
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Breathing difficulty

I have previous history of bronchial asthma, Im inhaled refrigerator leaked gas  any complication should I phase?
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Use of corticosteroid in milliary tb

My mother was diagnosed with milliary tb with starting att doctor prescribed corticosteroid for 3 weeks .No other organ symptoms complaint was there she was malnourished with minimal pedal edema ,her BP was 80/58 with loss of appetite shortness of breath, night sweats fever .on starting att fever resolved in 3-4 days and her appetite improved with no cough .but due to not giving dose acc to weight band she had 2 time dili on modified att including streptomycin levoflox ethambutol was given during dili .now on getting her x ray done after one month of treatment her tb in x ray is showing increased can it be due to corticosteroid or drug resistance
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