Chest & Breathing Problems


Can inhaled food cause harm

I inhaled puffed rice by mistake.. will this cause any harm or aspiration pnemonia..? I have no symptoms
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Milliary tb

Is leg cramps , back pain , left shoulder pain unable to sleep at night in milliary tb sign of bone involvement during start of treatment she has no pain but due to liver injury her treatment was modified 3 time right now she is on linozid levoflox ethambutol are these side-effects of these medicines or tb is spread During treatment
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Joint pain in tb

My mother is taking modified att linozid levoflox ethambutol.Last uric acid level was 3.7 on Monday. She has complaint of joint pain in night due to which unable to sleep I have already told the doctor he is saying that pain is due to uric acid. What could be the other reasons for her pain as her uric acid are under normal range
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Tb sputum test

Can geneexpert be negative after 41 days of tb treatment in milliary tb or it is false negative bcz the sample which I have given has very low amt of  yellow sputum
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Infectious time of mdr patient after tmt

How longer mdrtb patient could be infectious after 1.5 months of treatment symptoms of persistent cough has improved almost cough has been disappeared
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I have a typhoid and breathing problem

A month ago, I had typhoid, and when I checked, I had a lot of difficulty in breathing and vomiting weakness. I was admitted to the hospital for 6 days and received treatment. After discharge, I still have difficulty breathing, though it's not as severe as before. Sometimes it happens, so what should I do? Will it get better on its own? I showed it to the doctor, and everything seems normal xray and ECG . The doctor prescribed an anxiety medication, but after discharge, doctor  given me  Faronem 200 and Laz 500 and this medicine also completed. Will it get better with these medications, but from 1-2 days I am feeling better some times feels like breathing problem and some time feels pain on right side of chest not every time
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Continuous sneezing

Due to high pollen count in Delhi NCR, i have constant sneezing and irritation. Please suggest what i need to do and is there any medication to solve it?
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Drug resistance tb

My mother was given att after one 3 days her fever resolved but due to liver injury 2 times her drug was changed 2 times to S/L/E regimen on second time changing to S/L/E she stepped having fever again with cough but appetite was good it has been 40 days since she started her treatment is this a sign of drug resistance tb
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Tb fever and appetite

Does regain of appetite and fever resolving im one week means tb is not drug resistance after starting tb treatment
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Possibility of bilateral basal congestio

Hi Facing back pain for a long time and recently found HLaB27 is positive. For further treatment, I have taken other blood tests and chest CT(Advised by the Dr). In CT they mentioned Possibility of bilateral basal congestion. TB report shows positive. Kindly advise if I need to check the pulmonologist? and explain the report having any serious issue.
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