stretch in right testicle right abdomen
Diff btwn Lonazep MD 0.5 and Lonazep 0.5
Swollen lymph node
Squint eye
Old cough and fever
Back Acne natural remedies
Giving birth in a covid hospital
Unwanted pregnancy
More cough
Tingling in legs
Wet cough and wheezing problem
Lemon juice & iron syrup for 3years old
Fungus infection
Problem in throat
Befor 1 weak of my period.
For unwanted 72
Trying for 2nd baby
Not feeling hungry, constipation,gastric
Nausea feeling
Redness on right eye
Low back stiffness causing hurt when wlk
Red right eye
Which doctor is best
Rahul singh
Low Energy , Mind Absent and Bad Memory
BD dose of telsartan CT 40
Neck and thoart pain
weak , diziness sweating in palms ,feet
Shortness of breath
Black chana
Female pattern baldness and facial hair
Condom usage
Help me any doctors available
Ear pressure bubbles
Bp fluctuation
GERD and Gastritis
Vaginal dryness and discharge
Sweating and Weakness
High Triglycerides
Hypersensitivity of glans penis
Throat irritation
Medicine affect fertility
My right eye is red
Acid phos 30
feeling of vomiting and abdomin pain
Low platelet count
Too much Hair fall
Cervical lymph node swelling
Mouth infection since last 4 months
buccal mucosa
Piles and bloated stomach
Broken Ribs
Hiv rash..
Eating bitter gourd during second trimes
Food Safety
I m tensed
Birth control pill
Hypersensitivity of glans penis
Tb abscess
Thyroid medication
Putting hand in mouth
My urine not passing properly in flow
buccal mucosa
suffering from burning sensation at vag
Throat pain
Headache once a week.
Beard problem
Skin infection
Fear of medicine
Motion after every meal
Homosexuality problem
Extremely painful menstrual cycle
is dual/double marker test really import
Pain near wisdom tooth from one day.
Alternative medicine for nimulide
Vertin 16 mg since last 20 days
Stomach pain
Feeling airy cold in left hand
Regarding HIV
Legs shaking
Problem in legs restless
Gerd and anxiety issues
Heart palpitations
Anal pain and cant sit down
Uric acid pain in right ankle
Born baby is not active
Travel during pregnancy
Tingling in shoulder blades
Millet powder for babies
Vernal kerato conjunctivitis
Derealisation Symptoms
Enlarged stomach and mild pain
Pain in right arm
torch infection caused abortion. Prg aga
Anxiety issue
Block nose breathing problem
High urine output reasons
Thyroid or maybe pituitary gland problem
Some sort of allergy on lips, lipline
Hair problem
Blood in phelgm
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Yeast Penile Infection
Eliwel and other medicines
Heaviness and tightness with pain
Suffering for heavy back pain and testis
Premature ejaculation
Moustache gap
VUJ calculus 8 pm
Tinea curis
Need consulting for baby adoption
Heart related
Verucca plana
Cyst on chest removal
Medicine enquiry
Severe head pain from morning
Cbc and widal test
Pimple marks
Heaviness and pain
Eye lid...
Throat infection
Gastric pblm
Chest tightness and sore throat
Heaviness and pain in lower throat
Acne on body
Not gaining weight
My Pregnancy
Glutathione capsule
Itchiness on her face and hand and head
White discharge and stomach pain
Missed periods
Mucus in nose
Missed period
She has rashes and itchiness
Ear infection
Mouth ulcer
Genital warts
Shouls i take zolfish 10 mg
Pimples on face
Squint check up
Pain in the right side of head
Need help she didn't get her periodstime
confused with prescription
Puffyness in nipples
Ear infection
Tingling in breast
fibroid issue since one year nonsurgical
Back pain...