Chest & Breathing Problems


Chest x ray

I have been diagnosed with this x ray report I have reported doctor and I did sputum test where tuberculosis is negative and my doctor declear all clear should I be worried or not?
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Chest infection in ckd patient

Hi , My father is 76 year old having ckd (creat 6) and hypertension from last 4-5 years and on supportive medicine for ckd. However from last week he is having cough and weakness . He had completed azythromycine course but its not improving. Which other antibiotics he can take which is safe for kidney. Also acetylcystein 600 is safe for ckd patient or not?
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Regarding chest infection

I am asking this question of behalf of my grandmother.2 days back her oxygen saturation is hovering around 76 to 85.We immediately took her to the hospital where o2 level was 86 at night.She is asthmatic from past 35 years.She is having high bp ,sugar and thyroid for which take regular medicines.Bp recorded at hospital initially  was 216/84 then had come down to 168/82.Ecg and echos was normal .Troponin was also normal. Chest x ray was not good so doctor suggested hs ct scan for which i am attaching her report.Her tlc count at the time of admission was 15700 as of today tlc count was 14500.Bp and sugar are now controlled as of today.But she is feeling better talking to us but doctor said next 48 hours are critical and crucial.Please suggest something.
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Chest Report

Increased broncho-vascular markings & hilar prominence. Can it be healed without leaving marks. Tuberculosis is  Negative
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Phlegm scene a month

I was done with my asd tranchethetr closure 1 month ago...after that operation after 4 5 days i always feels like i am having phlegm in my throat and some time feels like i have to breath more ...the xray was done during my operation
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Chest pain during deep breath

Sometimes chest pains on both the sides while taking deep breath, bending down or lifting weights.also, I feel like stomach is bloated and keep releasing gases frequently. Is this something to worry ? In the recent full body checkup, it was found that i have grade 1 fatty liver and other values are normal..
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Pulmonary edema

Hii,my mother in law is in critical condition,she is in now MDICU,One month before she went to hospital for normal checkup,during that time her face,leg edema is there,but we thought this is normal after getting treatment we will go go,like that we thought,but days going she is changing from ICU TO Room frequently,after 15 days we shifted to another hospital,there they take most of the test,PET,CT,XRAY Etcc,still she is in ICU,now again 15 days gone,now doctors telling,she is near to death,we cannot do anything,now she is balanced because of medicines,if we cut medicine everything gone,  doctors said.can u guide what this type disease"report, mentioned pulmonary edema,sepsis,right heart failure " Plz
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Black stain

I have completed TB treatment but in morning mild black stain showing in sputum. Doctor done bronchoscopy report negative. Fungal report negative. Then why it's happened.
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Lump on neck

I have a very small lump on my neck The doctor advised me to do an ultrasound first I am attaching my ultrasound report Please suggest do I need any other tests also? I already had TB
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Persistent coughing

Persistent cough since last 1 year. Keeps coughing slightly twice in between while talking and otherwise. But doesn't cough during sleep. Consulted pulmonologist and ENT specialist. But no medication is helping. Pl suggest
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